The Indie Creator🎨 - Issue #7

Hey Folks👋

Hope you’re doing good.

Welcome to your weekly dose of insights and ideas to crush it in the creator economy.

Today we look at -

  • It takes 10 Years for something to succeed

  • Advice if you're just starting out as a creator

  • The story of Riverside FM🎧

  • My Best Tweet of the week

  • And my portfolio of multiple bets🎲

All in less than 3 minutes.

But first, if you enjoy reading this newsletter, please share it with one person who will also find value in it, thanks🙏

Now, let’s Go👇

It takes 10 Years📈

Pieter Levels is a wildly successful entrepreneur.

His sites and exploded during the pandemic.

But he works on a bunch of other sites apart from his top 2.


Because it takes 10 years for anything to be successful.

And he wants to keep working on something at least for 10 years before giving up.

Sounds hard, but it becomes a part of you with time.

I've been writing one newsletter for 109 weeks, another for 28 weeks, and this one for 7 weeks now.

And I intend to work on all three of them for the foreseeable future.

This is also what we learnt in the 1st issue of this newsletter when we looked at Nicolas Cole's unconventional career.

It takes time, and effort.

You've got to keep going.

But its worth it.

Advice if you're just starting out🤗

This week someone DMed me on Twitter asking for tips on how to get more newsletter subs and Twitter followers.

They're creating content but not getting any traction.

I get asked this a lot. So this time I wrote as comprehensive a response as possible.

If you're new, this might help you as well, I've tried to keep it generic and widely applicable to a wide range of creators -

That's pretty much it!

Feel free to DM me for specific advice, happy help in any way I can.

Riverside FM🎧

This week I wrote about

It's a podcasting platform that has blown up over the last year.

Started out as an Indie Hacker project, got funding from the cofounder of Reddit, and now on track to be a billion dollar startup.

They want to be the dominant player in the creator economy. And they are expanding from podcasters to all types of creators.

Its a lovely story of two brothers building and failing for more than 5 years and then getting success.

Again, that theme of working on stuff for many years keeps coming back!

Read the Riverside story -

Listen Up IH - Episode 28 "I want to build a billion-dollar company" 👆That's Nadav Keyson's audacious vision for his startup Riverside is...

Looking Back👀

My best Tweet of the week -

This tweet got some very interesting reactions, some people agreed, some didn't.

It was an interesting experiment on how people perceive success.

Dwija asked what were the multiple bets I was working on, and do I work on them in parallel or take a shot one after the other.

This was my answer -

I'll expand on how I'm thinking about each one of these bets going forward in this newsletter.

Don't want to take up too much time today.

Coz My Time's Up⌚

That’s it I guess, that’s my 3 minutes.

Let me know what you thought of this issue.

And also what kind of content would you like to see more of in the future?

Just hit reply🤗

And if you liked this issue, please forward it to one friend and ask them to subscribe.

I want to reach more people like you🤗

Some Housekeeping🧹

I’d appreciate the warmth and coziness of your primary inbox

Make sure you move me there.

