The Indie Creator🎨 - Issue #20

Hey there👋

This is Ayush, that dude from Twitter🙏

How’s it going?

How was last week? Hope you’re doing good.

Welcome to The Indie Creator issue #20.

Today we're talking about -

  • How Josh Spector has helped me over the last 12 months.

  • My Best Tweet of the week, and why it worked.

Let's go👇

Learning from Josh Spector

So last week Josh Spector tweeted out that he liked the last paragraph of my newsletter🤩

I was star-struck! I don't even know how he found out about my newsletter.

I've been a fan of Josh for a long time. I was in his Facebook group for newsletter creators since 2020.

Had been following him on Twitter since then as well.

I've improved my writing by following the tips he tweets out every day.

Back in June last year I actually DM'ed him, asking for some advice around Twitter + Newsletter growth.

(An account of that size must be getting hundreds of DMs every day, most people would ignore requests such as mine)

Instead, he was kind of enough to share his wisdom at length. He talked about promising a transformation with your product.

It was a long conversation, but this is the gist -

Ever since that day I have tried to promise a transformation with all my products and services.

(Including my latest service TweetForMe.)

Back to the DM conversation with Josh -

After this, I told Josh that I wanted to buy his premium newsletter "This is how I do it", but I couldn't because it was too expensive for me. It was $120.

I told him I'll buy a single edition instead, for $15.

To which he said he was happy to give it to me one for free💜

The next day, a copy of his $15 single edition was in my inbox, the topic was - "How I outline blog posts". (I use it for all my posts now)

I was amazed by his generosity.

Very few people are kind enough to give away their products for free.

Especially if that product is already making money.

So thank you, Josh🙏

Happy to report. 7 months later, now I can actually afford the product.

I'm going to buy the annual subscription to "This is how I do it" this week

(ran into some PayPal glitches last night, need to sort them out.)

I'm making some money from my products/services now, and I want to re-invest it in my education.

And I'm confident Josh' wisdom will help me a great deal!

All this to say - Josh is a great guy, I'll always be grateful to him.

If you don't follow him already, please do, find him on Twitter.

Here's one of his Tweets that I love the most -

Obviously, Josh does this very well - markets himself without being an A-hole.

I am trying to do this, still learning.

I suggest you do it as well.

And always, always, always - Be generous, be kind, be like Josh💙

(PS: please don't DM him asking for free stuff 🙈)

Moving on...

My Best Tweet of the week👀

This one -

Another one of those Tweets that was thought up in an instant. (22K impressions, still going strong!)

But there was 1 trick I did try - use the word "marketing" in the Tweet.

I've seen this quite a lot, if you use words like "startup" or "marketing" in a Tweet, and it gets a few likes and RTs quickly, then the algorithm starts to push the Tweet to people interested in those topics beyond your following.

This is a good way to reach a wider audience, possibly gain some new followers.

But doesn't work always of course. And the tweet must be quite good.

For this tweet, I ended up trending in the "marketing" topic😄

Not very often do you get to trend alongside Noah Kagan😃.

Hahaha, will try a few more of these next week!

Important Information

That’s my 3 minutes with you today, will let you go now. But one request -

If you’ve not been having fun with this newsletter, please consider unsubscribing.

I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe.

It would mean a lot to me🙏

