The Indie Creator🎨 - Issue #18

Hey there👋

This is Ayush, that dude from Twitter🙏

How’s it going?

How was the 1st week of the new year for you? Hope it was good.

Welcome to The Indie Creator issue 18.

Today I want to talk about -

  • There's no speed limit, you set the pace (My favorite thread)

  • The Flywheel effect

  • A sneak peek of my next project👀

  • And my best tweet of the week🤩

All in under 3 minutes, so let’s get into it -

Nathan Barry's Story

Nathan Barry is one of my heroes.

He is the OG indie creator turned indie hacker turned profitable SaaS entrepreneur.

This week he wrote a thread about leverage, and how he has deployed it in his own life.

Right from his school days.

Its a must-read -

Pair this with an article I wrote about him a while back, about his journey of creating ConvertKit -

Listen Up! IH – Episode 17 “It takes way longer than you think, and it’s worth it if you keep going.”That’s Nathan Barry’s advice for aspiring IndieHackers. Nathan is the founder of ConvertKit – an email marketing solution for indie creators. As of today, ConvertKit makes **$28.3M

The Fly Wheel Effect

Last week I wrote an article about a mental model called The Flywheel Effect.

The right flywheels can supercharge our business and life. But we often waste our time and effort on solving problems that have no inherent flywheels.

Do read the post, you might find value in it.

It describes what is the flywheel effect, why it matters, where it works, and where it doesn't work -

#122 | Mental Models to Live By🧠

Tweet For Me🙈

I'm getting so conscious.

Going to launch a new project sometime next week. It's called Tweet For Me, bought the domain last week -

So in case, you don't know, I've been ghost Tweeting for a few clients over the last few months. It's going alright.

But I want to systemize the process and now turn it into a productized service. I bought the domain for that.

Am working on the landing page, and should be able to launch it sometime this week.

Screenshot of the top of the landing page -

This is my first experiment of 2022, nervous about how it will go, wish me luck🤗

I'll share more updates next week.

My Best Tweet of the week👀

This one -

Many people came around and appreciated this approach, got a few people telling me that an MBA helped them a lot.

I respect that, mean no offense to anyone.

But I love it that when I share an honest spiky opinion on Twitter, I get more support than hate. Means I'm in the right Twitter bubble🤗

Important Update

That’s it, that’s my 3 minutes, will let you go now. But one request -

I know keeping up with newsletters can be hard.

If you’ve not been enjoying this newsletter these last few weeks, it’s okay if you unsubscribe.

I really don’t want to clutter your inbox. It’s mostly cognitive load really. Looking at all those unread emails.

And if you think there is any way I can improve, do hit reply and let me know, I'd be more than happy to accommodate your feedback in this newsletter.

I’m only trying to share my journey and stories of others that can inspire you to be a successful indie creator yourself.

So would love to find out how I can help you.

Also, if you wish, we can set up a Zoom call and have a quick chat. Find a suitable time in my calendar and let’s get chatting🤗

And do make sure to move me in your primary inbox.

