The Indie Creator🎨 - Issue #17

Hey there👋

This is Ayush🙏

How's it going?

A very happy and prosperous new year to you and your family🤗

I hope the holidays are going well at your end and you're raring to up your game in 2022.

Today we're talking about -

  • My Annual review post - No Goals, No Resolutions, No Fucking KPIs

  • Creator's Anatomy (A visual)

  • Best books of 2021

  • My Best Tweet of the week

  • And a deal you can't refuse😍

All in under 3 minutes, so let's get into it -

Looking back and Looking ahead

So I wrote the customary annual reflection post this week.

Twitter was full of people quoting big fat numbers they achieved this year, and even bigger fatter numbers they are going to go after in 2022.

I looked at that and asked myself - do I really want that for myself? What do I really want to do next year?

And more importantly, what do I not want to do in 2022? That's where the clickbaity title came in. I didn't want goals, resolutions, or KPIs.

I started writing down my thoughts in a document.

Halfway through it, I realized it might offend a bunch of people, I shouldn't probably post it as it is, or maybe tone it down a little.

That's when I tweeted this out -

Got a bunch of responses where people said go ahead and publish it. They were looking for a fresh perspective anyway.

That gave me confidence.

I still toned it down a little, finished the post, and hit publish. If you're looking for something mildly interesting to read, look no further -

Goals and KPIs are side-effects of corporate slavery.🤷‍♂️

Creator's Anatomy

I came across this visual recently.

This is so relatable, as a creator I looked at it and was just smiling to myself.

Especially the "willingness to look silly" part. I can't tell you how hard it is to hit publish on anything I write (including this newsletter).

Best Books of 2021

This is the time for book lists. Everyone is posting their favorite books of the year, I did the same a couple of weeks back.

I read these 5 books cover to cover -

Plus I read a bunch more in bits and pieces, found a ton of value from them, just not good enough to read every page.

I divided the books around 3 topics - Self-development, Writing and Business.

Check out this article for the details -

#120 | The Wisdom Project Wrapped

My Best Tweet of the week👀

This one -

This was a curation of some of the best articles from my other newsletter - Listen Up IH. If you want to build a business in 2022, it might help you, I have interesting things planned.

A Deal you can't say no to😍

2021 was a life-changing year for me. I essentially started a new career from scratch. Said goodbye to 11 years of corporate slavery and went on my own.

No entrepreneurship experience whatsoever.

It was scary as hell!

2 things helped me have the confidence to do it.

  1. The right personal habits where I could perform at my best self.

  2. A decent presence on Twitter.

I consider both of them to be my assets that will keep helping more as more time passes.

I created 2 products with all my learnings on these 2 topics, I think you can benefit from them.

For this week, you can get them for half the price.

Use the code "2022".

You can find them on my Gumroad page -

The Wisdom Project is a home for timeless ideas that help you become healthy, wealthy, and most of all, WISE.

A dose of human-curated wisdom in a world full of algorithmic noise.

We curate timeless wisdom from the best content on the internet and share practical, actionable insights that help you live a more meaningful, purposeful life.

Important Update

That’s it, that’s my 3 minutes, will let you go now. But one request -

I know keeping up with newsletters can be hard.

If you’ve not been enjoying this newsletter these last few weeks, it’s okay if you unsubscribe.

I really don’t want to clutter your inbox. It’s mostly cognitive load really. Looking at all those unread emails.

And if you think there is any way I can improve, do hit reply and let me know, Id is more than happy to accommodate your feedback in this newsletter.

I’m only trying to share my journey and stories of other journeys that can inspire you on your own indie journey.

So would love to find out how I can help you.

Also, if you wish, we can set up a Zoom call and have a quick chat. Find a suitable time in my calendar and let’s get chatting🤗

And do make sure to move me in your primary inbox.

