The Indie Creator🎨 - Issue #16

Hey there👋

This is Ayush🙏

Hope you’re doing good.

Sorry I've not been in your inbox for a while.

Thank you for your patience, just got too much on my plate the last few weeks.

Today we’re talking about -

  • How to go viral on YouTube

  • Articles of the Year

  • Lessons from AJ of Carrd

  • My Best Tweets

Now let’s go👇

Aprilynne's YouTube Success

I'm such a big fan of Aprilynne.

She shares her journey so honestly on Twitter. No wonder her threads go viral and she gets such great engagement.

She's a very effective communicator and that reflects in her writing.

Read this thread where she explains how her YouTube channel went viral and she became the "NFT Girl" there -

Articles of the year

What are the best long-form articles you read this year?

I tried to curate my answers last week in a short post, you might enjoy this.

I was also on a podcast last week, you will find the link inside, it's related to the theme of "the great resignation." I shared an article about it as well which is worth reading.

#119 | The Wisdom Project Wrapped

Also, share what are your favorite articles of this year below this tweet, I would love to read them -

Lessons from AJ

AJ is an anonymous Indie Hacker. He built the 1-page site builder Carrd.

His story is fascinating, how he started making templates in 2011 and eventually how he came about launching Carrd and how today its doing north of $1M ARR.

Also, Kim Kardashian has a role to play in his success. Crazy right!

I wrote about his story here -

"Constraints are superpowers"👆That's the number 1 lesson we can all learn from AJ, the founder of Carrd. AJ is a pseudonymous startup founder who bootstrapped the single-page site builder Carrd to more than $1M ARR in 5 years. Before Carrd, AJ had seen success with projects such as html5up

My Best Tweets

I'm always humbled by the love and support I get whenever I'm a bit vulnerable on Twitter.

It's amazing -

I wrote a reflective thread on 4 months of going solo, if you've not been on Twitter, you might have missed it.

Do check it out, I write one such thread every month -

Time's Up⌚

That’s it, that’s my 3 minutes, will let you go now.

Important Update

I know keeping up with newsletters can be hard.

If you've not been enjoying this newsletter these last few weeks, it's okay if you unsubscribe.

I really don't want to clutter your inbox. It's mostly cognitive load really. Looking at all those unread emails.

And if you think there is any way I can improve, do hit reply and let me know, Id is more than happy to accommodate your feedback in this newsletter.

I'm only trying to share my journey and stories of other journeys that can inspire you on your own indie journey.

So would love to find out how I can help you.

Also, if you wish, we can set up a Zoom call and have a quick chat. Find a suitable time in my calendar and let's get chatting🤗

Some Housekeeping🧹

Make sure you move me to your primary inbox. That’s the ideal place for newsletters you’ve subscribed to.

