The Indie Creator🎨 - Issue #15

Hey theređź‘‹

What’s up!

This is Ayush🙏

Hope you’re doing good.

Welcome to The Indie Creator - A weekly newsletter with 3-minute insights to crush it in the creator economyđź’¸

Today we’re talking about -

  • Curation based Twitter threads

  • Podcasts of the year

  • My Best Tweet of the week

  • And an important update.

Let’s go👇

Curation Threads🧵

When you're starting out, writing long threads might seem daunting.

Like everything else, it takes a ton of practice. And once you build the habit, you can use it easily to grow your audience.

Writing curated threads is a great way to get started.

You don't have the pressure of coming up with original insightful ideas, and you're still able to provide a ton of value to your followers.

And most of all, depending on the type of content you're creating, you can get plenty of engagement and followers as well.

This is a good example, curating people to follow -

This way the people you tag also acknowledge your effort, and maybe even share it with their audience.

That's why such threads go viral so much on Twitter these days. Take a shot, you've got nothing to lose.

Podcasts of the year🥇

I'm a podcast junkie.

I've probably listened to more than 100 podcasts in 2021. All lengthy ones, 1 hour+ episodes.

And I loved them.

This week I sat down to curate my top 5 podcasts of the year. It was a tough exercise, but a lot of fun.

And the final list is quit interesting.

Do take a look -

#118 | The Wisdom Project Wrapped

My Best Tweet of the weekđź‘€

This one -

I strongly believe this. Everything starts with 1.

I know it's not a lot of money, many people made way more than me during Black Friday.

But hey, it's not 0.


I look at info products as one among multiple streams of income in my life.

And for that, I think this is a decent start.

I tweeted this screenshot out not to boast about my achievement, but to inspire the people who follow me. People who may be on the fence about starting their own online businesses.

I hope my minor achievement gives them a push in the right direction.

Time's Up⌚

That’s it, that’s my 3 minutes, will let you go now.

Important Update

If you haven't opened my emails in a while, I'd appreciate if you would unsubscribe from this newsletter.

You're really hurting my open rates.

I'd rather have a smaller but engaged community, rather than a large but inactive community.

I hope you understand🙏

And if you like this newsletter, I'd appreciate if you would share it with a friend. That's the only way this grows sustainably.


Some Housekeeping🧹

Make sure you move me to your primary inbox. That’s the ideal place for newsletters you’ve subscribed to.

Anywhere else is really pointless, might as well unsubscribe🤷‍♂️

