The Indie Creator🎨 - Issue #11

Hey there 👋

What’s up!

Hope you’re doing good.

Delay in programming this week, I was away with my family on a short trip.

My son turned 7, so we were all in a celebratory mood this week. Plus it's Diwali is coming up, so don't feel like doing any work😅

Anywhooo, let's get to this week's newsletter.

Today we look at -

  • Audience building tips

  • What does "meta" mean for the world

  • Some sales Wizardry

  • And my best Tweet of the week.

But first, if you're new here, make sure you subscribe to the newsletter.

Now, let's go👇

Audience Building

We all want to build an audience, we look at people with large audiences we think it will be impossible for us to reach that stage.

That's where journeys like Steph's are so inspirational.

Steph Smith is a creator entrepreneur with a loyal and powerful audience.

And she has documented her entire journey over the years, right from when she was a small Twitter account dabbling in various projects.

Do check her story in this thread, I've bookmarked the photo in the 2nd Tweet, it's too good -

Zuck's going Meta

The metaverse was viral this week, Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg changed his company's name to Meta and laid out a bold vision for the company.

It feels a bit like Sci-Fi.

And it feels a lot creepy.

But I think it's important for us to understand this concept. This thread from Shaan Puri is worth going through -

Plus I watched Zuck's entire video and wrote my notes on it as well. If you've got 5 minutes, you might like this article -

#113 | The big Facebook rebrand

Sales Wizardry🧙‍♂️

This week I also wrote about a bootstrapped startup called Tuple.

It's a pair programming app for macOS. It lets developers write code together remotely.

It's a fascinating startup story, they had $8K in sales even before a product, and now post-pandemic they are doing "millions in revenue".

Their founder Ben Orenstein had built up a decent audience over time, and he employed some sales wizardry to convert audience into customers.

Read Tuple's full story -

The story of remote pair programming app Tuple and it's founder Ben Orenstein. How they built a successful bootstrapped startup.

My Best Tweet of the week👀

This one -

This tweet kind of went viral last week, got close to 10k impressions and got me a bunch of followers as well.

This is something that most people in my Twitter bubble strong feel themselves.

So I was sort of re-iterating their sentiment, and looks like they enjoyed it.


Time's Up⌚

That’s my 3 minutes with you this week.

See you next week.


Some Housekeeping🧹

Make sure you move me your primary inbox. That’s the ideal place for newsletters you’ve subscribed to.

Anywhere else is really pointless, might as well unsubscribe🤷‍♂️

