How NOT to be your own worst boss | 3 things to avoid

updates from The Indie Creator #51

So I didn't launch a product yesterday and felt guilty about skipping a week in the 25in25 challenge.

I knew I won't be able to make it since last week, and hated myself for it.

After reflecting for a few days I feel like I'm being too harsh on myself πŸ™„

I think all solopreneurs feel this way at some point in their journey.

It took me some effort over the last week to get rid of those feelings and start feeling good about myself again.

Today I want to share the 3 ways you can avoid being your own worst boss.

How NOT to be your own worst boss | 3 things to avoid

So I've shipped 2 products in the last 2 weeks, and both have been very intense pieces of work.

Sucking all the creative energy out of me.

So I decided not to launch a new product this week.

Which made me feel guilty and angry towards myself, for not living up to the 25in25 challenge.

I was turning into my own worst boss. Giving myself a hard time for being lazy, complacent and inadequate.

I was stuck in a mental funk.

But when I journaled and spoke to my wife about this, I realized I was being too hard on myself. If I want to maintain my mental health and give my best creative output then I need to take regular breaks and refuel myself.

Sure my internal boss wasn't happy with it. He had set a deadline for me with specific targets that I had to meet every week.

So he was obviously pissed at me.

3 mindset shifts that helped me deal with him and find peace with myself -

1. Avoid a scarcity mindset

I need to come from a place of abundance.

If I don't ship a product this week that isn't the end of the world. Sure I miss a week in my challenge, but that's just a short term loss. If I maintain my mental health then I can win over the long term.

If I take a break in this week then I can make my next product really high quality. But if I force myself to stick to the challenge then I might end up shipping a shitty product.

Which is stupid!

2. Avoid unfair expectations

Let's be honest here.

It's hard to keep churning out good products week after week. Sure they are info products, and they are scoped down significantly, but they still take time.

I still need to write them, edit them, publish them in multiple formats. Till last year it used to take me a month for the same kind of output.

So I have 4xed my execution, but if I keep running on this treadmill then I risk watering down the value proposition of each product.

Which is again stupid!

3. Avoid becoming a slave to your ego

This is my ego right?

That if I've committed to a crazy challenge then I will live up to it no matter what. After all my reputation is on the line. I am building in public and sharing updates on the challenge every week.

What will people think? What will my Twitter followers think? What the readers of this newsletter think?

Nobody cares!

That's the harsh truth.

Everyone has their own challenges, nobody is actively thinking about me. I should stop being so full of myself all the time and take things lightly sometimes.

In the grand scheme of things this 6 month period is a tiny blip. It doesn't matter if I launch 25 products or 20 products or 15 products in this period.

What matters is -

  • I ship products

  • They are high quality

  • And people want them.

Everything else is optional!

So took me some time to realize these truths and avoid these limiting mindsets.

But now, here I am writing about it in this newsletter πŸ˜€

Do tell me what you think of this? Do you also have such limiting beliefs? Are you your own worst boss? How do you avoid such behaviors? I am extremely interested because I want to learn from you and improve myself.

Just hit reply and let me know!


Indie MBA Event with Jakob Greenfeld

You are invited to the next Indie MBA event, it's with Jakob Greenfeld.

Jakob is a serial entrepreneur who is building multiple fantastic products and writing impactful essays.

We will geek out with him on trends, opportunities and new business ideas.

The event is free to join, but there are limited seats, so make sure you sign up fast.

πŸ“… 22nd September - 1:30 PM GMT

Register below πŸ‘‡

The Creator Profit Playbook πŸ’Έ

I just finished working on the creator profit playbook yesterday.

How to succeed as a Creator-Entrepreneur in 2022

It's already got a 5 star rating in less than 24 hours, I think you will enjoy it πŸ‘‡

πŸ“’ Shout out of the week

This week I want to give a shout out to the NoCode exits newsletter from my friend Katt Risen.

Katt is a prolific NoCode maker and has built multiple successful NoCode products. In fact she was even able to sell one of her products on MicroAcquire πŸ”₯

She writes a newsletter about more such exits, and what we can learn from them.

I especially enjoyed this exit story. It's the perfect example of a creator finding opportunity in adversity.

A product that was built to solve a simple problem during the COVID lock-downs, became a profitable business and eventually an amazing acquisition. What a story!

Do check it out.

✍️ Pro Tip of the week

Want to do deep work?

Keep your phone in another room.

Not just in "Do not disturb" mode, but in a separate room altogether.

The mere presence of your phone in your vicinity can be a distraction. It is for me at least. So this week I've been working without my phone and my productivity has taken a boost.

Less distractions, more work done!

I tweeted about this earlier this week and found that there's actually scientific evidence that this works. Wow!

πŸ‘‹ Bottomline

Time to go, these were my best performing tweets from last week -

What did your last failure teach you?

Some incredible lessons here -

So many ways to put buy buttons on the internet.

How many are you using?

Want to make money?

Help someone else make money 🀷

Thank you for reading, see you again next week πŸ™

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

πŸ¦‰ 21 simple tips to get your first 1000 Twitter followers here.

✍️ Write high converting copy like a pro here.

🧠 Find your Mastermind here.

Very Important note:

If you’ve not been having fun here, please consider unsubscribing.

I don’t mind.

No hard feelings.

I’d rather you unsubscribe than not open the newsletter.

But if you do enjoy it.

Please do me a favor, please ask one of your friends to subscribe.

I rely on word of mouth to grow this newsletter.

It would mean a lot to meπŸ™



PS: Help me improve this newsletter for you, tell me what you thought of it? Pick an emoji below πŸ‘‡